Struggling to Get Rid of Arm Fat? Try Liposuction
Even in fit and healthy people, the arms can be a challenging feature to sculpt – and stubborn fat is often to blame. Particularly in the upper arms, pockets of resistant fat can accumulate that do not respond to diet and exercise in the same way as fat cells in other areas of the body. If you are frustrated with upper arm fat and are ready to finally get the slimmer, more attractive arms you deserve, it may be time to consider liposuction. At Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery in Tampa, FL, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang performs arm enhancement surgery in the form of arm liposuction, arm lift, and more, helping men and women just like you get the firm and trim arms they dream of. Read on to find out if arm lipo may be right for you, and discover how long your new look may last.
Why doesn’t arm fat go away?
Have you been working hard to lose weight and seeing results everywhere but in your arms? You are not alone! This common problem affects many men and women, often due to genetics, hormones, age, and the natural distribution of fat cells. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with stubborn arm fat forever. With liposuction, you can finally get rid of bulging upper arm fat.
How does arm liposuction work?
Liposuction of the arms is typically performed on the upper arms to address fatty areas that do not react to diet and exercise in the expected way. In most cases, liposuction is performed using general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. Dr. Mang will place a small and discreet incision in the arm and use a handheld wand to break up and suction out unwanted fat cells. The incisions will be closed with stitches, and the arms will be wrapped in compression garments to help minimize swelling and bruising. After several weeks, patients will notice their slim new arms taking shape.
Will arm lipo give me loose skin?
In patients with poor skin elasticity, arm liposuction may result in “bat wings” due to loose, stretched-out skin. During your initial consultation for arm liposuction, Dr. Mang will thoroughly assess your skin laxity, the amount of fat present, and other factors to determine whether arm liposuction alone – or perhaps a combination of arm lipo plus arm lift surgery – may be the most appropriate course of action for you. For patients who are likely to be left with loose arm skin after liposuction, pairing arm lipo with an arm lift is often recommended. In some cases, nonsurgical skin tightening or cellulite reduction may be adequate for firming up mild skin laxity after arm liposuction.
Am I ready for arm liposuction?
Ideal candidates for liposuction of the arms should be:
- Nonsmoking
- In good health
- At their goal weight
- Have attempted to slim their arms with diet and exercise
- Committed to a stable weight after surgery
- Have good remaining skin elasticity
- Tired of hiding flabby arms
Reshape your flabby arms with arm liposuction in Tampa, FL
Do you wish you could get rid of unsightly, flabby arm fat overnight? With arm liposuction, you can. Join the many men and women who have transformed their arms and regained their confidence with arm enhancement surgery by calling Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery to schedule your private consultation with one of Tampa’s leading board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang, today.