What is a Mommy Makeover and Who Needs One?
Although most people have heard of the mommy makeover, many people still have questions about what exactly the surgery is, as well as how it may be able to help them.
A mommy makeover is a custom surgical plan that combines multiple procedures to help address a patient’s individual concerns, needs, and goals. The treatments and therapies that make up one woman’s mommy makeover may vary slightly — or drastically — compared to another woman’s procedure, depending on each patient’s list of specific needs.
At Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang is proud to offer Tampa, FL patients the opportunity to finally feel comfortable in their own skin again through mommy makeover surgery. During your initial one-on-one consultation, Dr. Mang will take ample time to discuss every aspect of the preoperative, surgical, and postoperative periods and answer all your questions at length to ensure you are able to make an informed, comfortable, and confident decision about your procedure.
Why do I need a mommy makeover?
Most often, a mommy makeover is comprised of surgeries that target areas that are commonly affected by pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. During these phases of life, the body undergoes significant changes, including weight fluctuation, stretching of the skin, and others. As a result, many mothers are left with cosmetic flaws in their breasts, abdomen, and vagina, all of which can be addressed with a mommy makeover. However, there is a long list of additional issues that can also be corrected during a mommy makeover. In fact, many women who undergo a mommy makeover have never had children but are simply looking to enhance their figure and improve their overall contour.
Which procedures are included in a mommy makeover?
The specific options that are included in a patient’s mommy makeover procedure will depend on her areas of concern and her ultimate goals. Some of the treatments that are most commonly performed as part of a mommy makeover with Dr. Mang include:
- Tummy tuck
- Breast augmentation
- Breast lift
- Liposuction
- Arm lift
- Thigh lift
- Brazilian butt lift
- Labiaplasty
- Vaginoplasty
When is the best time to get a mommy makeover?
While it can certainly be tempting to begin pursuing a mommy makeover soon after giving birth, it is important to establish a realistic timeline for your surgery. First and foremost, Dr. Mang strongly encourages patients to be certain that they are done having children before undergoing a mommy makeover. The physical changes associated with a future pregnancy can severely compromise — or even reverse — the results of your mommy makeover and lead to the need for a second or subsequent procedure. Additionally, it is imperative that patients allow their bodies enough time to recover from pregnancy and delivery, as well as conclude the course of breastfeeding, before undergoing surgery.
Am I a good candidate for a mommy makeover in Tampa, FL?
In general, women considering a mommy makeover should be in relatively good health, be nonsmokers, and be at a healthy and stable weight. The best way to determine with certainty whether or not you are an ideal candidate for mommy makeover surgery is to be evaluated by a qualified, certified, and highly experienced plastic surgeon.
Call our convenient Tampa, FL Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery office today to schedule an online or in-person consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon Dzung-Mang and learn more about how a mommy makeover can give you the striking physique you’ve always wanted and help you regain the confidence to live the life of your dreams!